Cortex Command For Mac

DataRealms - Cortex command Welcome to the home of Data Realms' first independently developed game, Cortex Command! It features real-time tactical battles, and also a strategic, turn-based metagame on top, with support for up to four players in split-screen. It won two awards in the Independent Games Festival 2009.

The core command allows you to select which core of a multi-core chip to attach to for debugging and all other requests you make of CortexProg. This command will not do anything for single-core chips. The parameter is a COREID value. To see what the IDs and types of cores are in your target chip, you can use the command CortexProg info. Cortex Command for Mac OSX is here! Posted by Data in Cortex Command - December 9th, 2008 After a long wait, Cortex Command for OSX is out. This is a universal binary package, so it should work on most Macs out there (as long as they are running a version of OSX higher or equal to 10.4 (Tiger))!

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Only official (non mod) weapons should be listed on this page.

  • 1Free Trade
  • 2Coalition
  • 3Dummy
  • 4Ronin
  • 5Imperatus
  • 6Browncoat
  • 7Techion

Free Trade


  • Cost: 5G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 11
  • Range: Medium-Short
  • Damage: Medium-Low
  • Description: This semi-auto pistol is cheap, reloads quick enough, and fires an odd 11th bullet, just to keep them guessing.


  • Cost: 20G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 30
  • Range: Medium-Short
  • Damage: Medium-Low
  • Description: Standard sub-machine gun. A full-auto carbine firing pistol bullets, but in a rifle-like frame with 30-round clip. The affordable compromise.

Note: fires similar to the Dummy Dreadnought and Small MG Turret guns, but using a much smaller clip.


  • Cost: 15G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 6
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: A powerful weapon capable of killing weaker enemies such as dummies and light soldiers in one shot. Also very effective against enemy dropship engines. The rounds of this weapon have 8 particles of shot, which are heavier and duller than bullets. This makes the gun capable of inflicting many wounds, as well as significant knockback. The bullets are also packed tightly to allow the shotgun to hit targets far away, while it may not be the best choice for sniping over long maps.

Battle Rifle

  • Cost: 50G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 5
  • Range: Medium-Long
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Free Trade's standard rifle, fires five 0.5kg bullets. Noticeable reload time, but good accuracy and power. Essentially a sniper rifle offering serious stopping power but with an aiming range more like an assault rifle.


  • Cost: 15G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 1
  • Range: Medium-Short
  • Damage: Medium
  • Description: 'Single shot shotgun. Features large spread and power, but must be reloaded after each shot.'

Note: Arguably one of the worst weapons in the game (especially for the price), its best use is for close-quarters 'massing party' strategies, equipping many cheap bodies (Culled Clones) with these.


  • Cost: 5G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 1
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: Medium-Low
  • Description: 'Smaller version of the mighty blunderbuss. Shorter range, but the fast reload time and large spread make it a great sidearm.'

Note: Arguably one of the worst weapons in the game, its best use is for close-quarters 'massing party' strategies, equipping many cheap bodies (Culled Clones) with these.


Coalition Pistol

  • Cost: 10G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 10
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: Low
  • Description: 'Cheap and reliable, the standard sidearm of the Coalition. Quick reload times and good accuracy make up for the lack of stopping power.'

Note: in-game name is simply 'Pistol', though Free Trade's generic Pistol shares the name.

Auto Pistol

  • Cost: 25G
  • Automatic: Yes (3 shot-bursts)
  • Shots before reload: 18
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: Low-Medium
  • Description: 'Semi-auto not good enough for you? Now with improved ammo capacity over the standard model, this is the pistol for you! Fires in bursts of 3.'

Heavy Pistol

  • Cost: 25G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 8
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: Medium
  • Description: 'Offering more firepower than any other pistol on the market, the Heavy Pistol is a reliable sidearm. It fires slowly, but its shots have some serious stopping power.'

Compact Assault Rifle

  • Cost: 40G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 25
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: Medium
  • Description: 'Sacrifices stopping power and accuracy for a higher rate of fire. It also fits easier into your backpack.'

Assault Rifle

  • Cost: 65G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 35
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: Medium
  • Description: 'Workhorse of the Coalition army, satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!'

Gatling Gun

  • Cost: 210G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 100
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: 'Coalition's feared heavy weapon that features a large magazine and amazing firepower. Reloading is not a issue because there is enough ammo to kill anyone even remotely close.'

Sniper Rifle

  • Cost: 90G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 10
  • Range: High
  • Damage: Medium
  • Description: 'Coalition special issue, semi-automatic precision rifle. Complete with scope for long distance shooting.'

Note: In-development CC 1.0 reported to buff the Sniper Rifle.

Heavy Sniper Rifle

  • Cost: 120G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 4
  • Range: Long
  • Damage: High
  • Description: 'The sniper rifle's big brother. You only get four rounds to a mag, but why settle for a headshot when you can blow the head clean off with a giant 12.7×130mm cartridge?'

Note: In-development CC 1.0 reported to remove the Heavy Sniper Rifle.

Coalition Shotgun

  • Cost: 35G
  • Automatic: no
  • Shots before reload: 6
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: 'A light shotgun with six shots and moderate reload time.'

Note: in-game name is simply 'Shotgun', though Free Trade also has a Shotgun sharing that name.

Auto Shotgun

  • Cost: 90G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 12
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: 'Fully automatic shotgun. This thing is a blast, but be wary of reload times!'

Flak Cannon

  • Cost: 130G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 2
  • Range: Long, Anti-Air
  • Damage: Very High
  • Description: 'Flak Cannon. A devastating anti-air weapon, it can take out a dropship from a nice distance easily with little aim. The proximity fuse on the flak shells insure that they explode at the right distance for maximum damage.'

This weapon is deadly and powerful against anything and everything, including allies and you at close range. Shrapnel sometimes reflects off metal. Anti-air always carries danger of death-by-debris.
Note: In-development CC 1.0 reported to remove the Heavy Sniper Rifle.

Auto Cannon

  • Cost: 140G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 15
  • Range: Long
  • Damage: High/Concussive
  • Description: 'Auto cannon for your heavy soldiers to use. Devastating power, high rate and lots of rounds to fire. Reloading this thing might take some time though.'

Fires explosive shells with little conventional shrapnel dealing primarily impulse damage capable of dismembering targets. Best for countering armored crafts and heavy infantry; tends to throw rather than kill light targets.

Revolver Cannon

  • Cost: 180G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 5
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: 'Revolver Cannon. A brutal and powerful automatic cannon. Launches heavy slugs at high velocities that smash the living hell out of their targets. You get 6 shots, but before you get to use them all every opponent will be dead and thus the long reload time won't even bother you.'

Highly lethal against light targets, its low ammo count is better spent against heavy infantry, mecha, and dropships. Good for guarding choke points inside bunkers.
Note: In-development CC 1.0 reported to remove the Heavy Sniper Rifle.

Uber Cannon

  • Cost: 180G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 1
  • Range: Artillery
  • Damage: High
  • Description: 'Uber Cannon. A shoulder mounted, tactical artillery weapon that fires air-bursting cluster bombs. Features a trajectory guide to help with long-ranged shots.'

Missile Launcher

  • Cost: 350G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 1
  • Range: Varies
  • Damage: High
  • Description: 'Can fire powerful, manually guided missiles or weaker but faster guided rockets. You can switch between modes in the pie menu.'

Note: guided missles can be used to fire around corners, but requires careful timing and movement of the targeting pointer.



  • Cost: 15G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 12
  • Range: Medium-Short
  • Damage: Medium
  • Description: A sidearm that fires heated nails at high velocities.

Rail Pistol

  • Cost: 20G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 8
  • Range: Short-medium
  • Damage: Medium-High
  • Description: A compact sidearm for a good price and decent performance!

Note: It is incredibly slow to fire, and has a slow reload. It compensates by blowing heads off with ease and penetrating deep into material.


  • Cost: 70G
  • Automatic: yes
  • Shots before reload: 20
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Energy based sub machine gun. Has a much shorter range than ballistic weapons, but its power and fast reloading make it an effective weapon.

Nailer Cannon

  • Cost: 160G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 45
  • Range: Short-Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Rapid fire version of the nail gun. Fires lots of heated nails at an incredible rate!

Note: Functions as a hybrid gatling / assault rifle. Can tear up cover used by opponents. Its 29kg total weight affects mobility. Cannot be used with a shield as of Build 27.

Scouting Rifle

  • Cost: 50G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 8
  • Range: Long
  • Damage: Medium-Low
  • Description: Long range rifle with a scope. It has large ammo capacity and a steady rate of fire. It's not particularly accurate or powerful, but being made of plastic, it's dirt cheap.

Note: More mobile but less powerful than most dedicated sniper rifles.

Impulse Cannon

  • Cost: 90G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 1
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: Very high
  • Description: Devastating weapon that fires concussive grenades. The projectiles airburst at a close yet safe distance, giving you high fire power at close ranges.

Note: Dummy infantry's bodies handle impulse damage better than meat puppets and heavier robots, but use at very close range could be suicide. Is a good anti-mecha weapon, knocking apart what can't be pierced.


  • Cost: 120G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 10
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Effective rapid fire support weapon. Doubles as a good assault weapon due to its large clip, but users should be warned of the long reload time.

Note: Repeater shots arc downward slightly in flight and dissipate at long range. 23kg total weight.


  • Cost: 180G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: Infinite
  • Range: Low-long
  • Damage: Low-high
  • Description: Destructive heavy laser cannon. Hold down fire to charge the laser, then release it to unleash hot laser death on your enemies! Charge up the beam completely for maximum power!

Note: Overall a great heavy weapon (especially if kept charged between enemy encounters), but be aware the Annihilator weighs 29kg in total. Mobility can be an issue.

Destroyer Cannon

  • Cost: 140
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 3
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: This cannon fires bolts of slowly advancing energy that mow down multiple enemies in a row without slowing.

Note: At 35kg this is a very heavy heavy-weapon. While plasma orb passes through allies, its sparks can teamkill. But it allso chews up barriers and bunkers effectively.



  • Cost: 10G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 12
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: Low
  • Description: Great standard issue for every troop. Twelve rounds per clip, decent stopping power and fast reloads.

Desert Eagle

  • Cost: 25G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 7
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: Medium
  • Description: Strong fire-power in the form of a handgun makes this a reliable sidearm.


  • Cost: 20G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 6
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: High
  • Description: The best and coolest revolver on the market, its extreme firepower is unmatched to any other sidearm available.


  • Cost: 30G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 22
  • Range: Short-medium
  • Damage: Low-medium
  • Description: Automatic sidearm with a high rate of fire and reload speed. Capable can remove lightly armored units without a sweat.


  • Cost: 45G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 30
  • Range: Short-medium
  • Damage: Medium
  • Description: An old classic, simple design and cheap parts makes this gun a widespread design.


  • Cost: 80G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 30
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Accurate and deadly. Great standard weapon for your troops.


  • Cost: 20G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 2
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: Varies
  • Description: Sawed-off double-barreled shotgun. Can be wielded with a shield. Only useful in close-quarters.


  • Cost: 40G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 6
  • Range: Short-medium
  • Damage: Varies
  • Description: Basic low spread pump-action shotgun. Has moderate power.

Spas 12

  • Cost: 60G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 6
  • Range: Short-medium
  • Damage: Varies
  • Description: The shotgun of tomorrow. It has amazing firepower and high ammo capacity.

M1 Garand

  • Cost: 45G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 8
  • Range: Medium-long
  • Damage: Medium-high
  • Description: Semi-automatic rifle, excellent for hunting your opponents!


  • Cost: 110G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 5
  • Range: Long
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Powerful sniper rifle. Long range and precision combined makes this a deadly weapon. It appears to come with a scope.


  • Cost: 140G
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 50
  • Range: Medium-long
  • Damage: Medium-high
  • Description: Light machine gun. It's portability combined with steady rate of fire and large ammo capacity makes it a deadly weapon.


  • Cost: 80G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 1
  • Range: Low-high
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Single-shot grenade launcher. Can fire bouncing or impact grenades. Switch between grenade type in the pie menu.


  • Cost: 150G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 1
  • Range: Long
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Powerful and feared weapon in the Ronin arsenal. Fires accelerating rockets that cause massive damage with a direct hit.


  • Cost: 240G
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 1
  • Range: Medium-long
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Rocket propelled chainsaw launcher. This sadistic weapon can mutilate multiple enemies with a single shot. The launcher holds only one round per clip, so aim wisely.


<in development, submachine gun>


Bullpup Assault Rifle

  • Cost: 65
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 20
  • Range: Medium-Long
  • Damage: Medium-High
  • Description: 'Backbone of every Imperatus armored platoon, a nice heavy 8.2x45mm round that fragments into two projectiles ensures that the enemy will get down and stay down!'

A heavier assault rifle than most, but its smaller clip and price balance out its strengths. Bullet separation is not a spread but a twin hit per round.

Chunker SP-44

<in development>

  • Cost: 30
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 3
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: High
  • Description: 'All (or at least most of) the power of a shotgun crammed into a pistol. Excellent for short-range targets.'

Slugger GP-03

<in development>

  • Cost: 50
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before Reload: 1
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: 'Some refer to the Desert Eagle as a 'handcannon,' but the Slugger is far more deserving of the nickname. Firing tiny grenades instead of bullets, this pistol packs serious power in its unassumingly small frame.'

Bullpup AR-14

<in development, revised Bullpup Assault Rifle above>

  • Cost: 65
  • Description: 'Backbone of every Imperatus armored platoon, a nice heavy 8.2x45mm round that penetrates armored targets with ease.'

Mauler SG-23

<in development>

  • Cost: 90
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots Before Reload: 8
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: Very high
  • Description: 'An unbelievably powerful shotgun which takes the term 'chaingun' seriously by literally firing hot chunks of chain at your enemies.' The Mauler shoots small physics objects at short range this will reduce the victim to a fine paste, at moderate range the chunks will have the impact force of Cotton Candy.

Bulldog GG-49

<in development>

  • Cost: 140
  • automatic: Yes with windup
  • Shots Before Reload: 50
  • Range: Medium-Long
  • Damage: Very High
  • Description: 'Slow-firing but incredibly powerful, this gatling gun is sure to destroy your opponents.'



  • Cost: 35
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 10
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: Medium-High
  • Description: Compact with a high rate of fire, this handgun can also function as a primary weapon.


  • Cost: 60
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 25
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: Medium-High
  • Description: A sturdy, powerful assault rifle with a 25-round magazine.


  • Cost: 90
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 6
  • Range: Very Long
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Reliable and powerful long-ranged weapon with a steady rate of fire.


  • Cost: 90
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 200
  • Range: Short
  • Damage: Very High
  • Description: Light flamethrower that is extremely powerful in close quarters.


  • Cost: 75
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 2
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: An incendiary shotgun that can fire 2 blasts of scorching flames.


  • Cost: 140
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 7
  • Range: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Firing blazing bullets, this pyro rifle can both burn and pierce enemies at a moderate distance.


  • Cost: 170
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 1
  • Range: Artillery
  • Damage: High
  • Description: Powerful cannon that fires explosive incendiary shells.


<in development, mortar type>


The Techion field a set of exotic weapons.

Micro Pulsar

<in development>

  • Cost: 35
  • Automatic: No
  • Shots before reload: 7
  • Range: Short-Medium
  • Damage: Medium
  • Description: 'A powerful pistol which fires short laser bursts.'

Pulse Rifle

<in development>

  • Cost: 65
  • Automatic: Yes
  • Shots before reload: 38
  • Range: Long
  • Damage: Medium-High
  • Description: 'A compact assault rifle based on similar technology to the Micro Pulsar. This deals somewhat less damage, but fires shots much faster and farther.'

Giga Pulsar

<in development>

  • Gold Value: 210
  • Rounds: 50
  • Description: 'With an alternate cooling system, the Giga Pulsar dwarfs its smaller siblings not only in physical size but also in firepower and round count. After a short charge-up, this weapon deals out a brief but concentrated spattering of short-range lasers.'


<in development>

  • Gold Value: 120
  • Rounds: 1
  • Description: 'This weapon's shot releases nanobots into the target, quickly disintegrating the limb it hits. There's one shot per clip, so make it count!'


<in development>

  • Gold Value: 80
  • Rounds: 3
  • Description: 'Fires balls of plasma which do not experience the effects of gravity or friction. After three seconds, or on impact with a unit, the plasma balls collapse inward on themselves, making them work essentially like grenades. Excellent for clearing out bunkers.'

Dihelical Cannon

<in development>

  • Gold Value: 230
  • Rounds: 1
  • Description: 'After a small charge period about a year, this cannon unleashes dual laser helices which will penetrate through enemies and kill them INSTANTLY'

Nucleo Swarm
<in development>

  • Gold Value: 230
  • Rounds: 7
  • Description: 'Charge this weapon before firing a swarm of 7 plasma 'missiles' that home in on enemies.'
Retrieved from ''
Cortex Command
Developer(s)Data Realms LLC
Publisher(s)Data Realms LLC
Director(s)Daniel Tabár
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Release28 September 2012[1]
Mode(s)Single-player, Multiplayer

Cortex Command is a two-dimensionalside-scrollingaction game developed by Swedish studio Data Realms since 2001.


Cortex Command screenshot.

The player takes the role of a stationary or mobile 'brain', which can take control of other purchased units in order to accomplish objectives. Missions range from tasks such as retrieving a control chip in a cave filled with zombies to defending the brain from attack. As the brain is weak, the player must manage his resources carefully, protecting the brain, mining gold and fighting off enemies.

The game includes the ability for players to create mods (additions and changes to the game) with the built in Lua programming applet and simple scripting.


The game engine was designed and built by Dan Tabár, using several open-sourcelibraries. The GUI was built by Jason Boettcher, the artwork is by Arne Niklas Jansson, and the macOS port is by Chris Kruger,[2][3] while the Linux port was developed by Jesus Higueras.

The game was first released as an open beta and was later released for purchase with a time-limited demo version available as well.

As of May 2008, the game was described as being in development for approximately seven years, with Dan Tabár quitting his job in mid-2006 to work full-time on the project.[4] No versions for game consoles are planned.[4] The game allows several components to be modified using Lua and INI files, such as Scenes (or levels), Actors, Weapons, and more.[4] Influences for the game include the X-COM: UFO Defense series.[3] As of 2009, the full version is still being refined (as the game is still in extensive development), but includes unlimited play and extra features unavailable in the demo.[2]

On 28 September 2012 the game was finally released in version 1.0 on Steam.[1][5]

In July 2019 the source code was released as open source software under the GPLv3software license on GitHub.[6][7] As of 2020 the work on a community continuation, dubbed 'Cortex-Command-Community-Project', is ongoing.[8]

Cortex Command For Mac Commands


Despite the fact that the main story has been scrapped as of now, Cortex Command does have some background lore. Sometime in the mid-to-far future after humanity suffered a war brought on by a certain religious group, 'a curious symbiosis' between man and machine was formed. This eventually led to humans becoming advanced enough to ditch their bodies and take their brains anywhere. This in turn, led to space travel finally becoming feasible since aging is either non-existent or slowed down to a very slow state. This leads to humans making contact with alien life forms, in a desperate attempt for humans to fit in, they establish Free Trade. Free Trade is one of the biggest if not the biggest corporations in the whole Milky Way galaxy. But humanity doesn't stop there, despite humanity having long abandoned their bodies, they still kept the stubborn will to fight. With contracting being open to the highest bidder, prospectors fight on earth-like planets with rich gold deposits, while being supplied by companies like Alchiral or Free Trade.

Cortex Command Mod


The control system for the unfinished version of the game has been described as 'too fiddly to be considered entertaining' in 2007.[9] Others described the game as requiring patience, asking players to 'take [their] time and experiment'.[10] The game has been compared to other games in the genre, such as GunBound[9] and Worms.[10] Positive reviews praise the detailed physics, as well as the chaotic gameplay.

Cortex Command was the Indie Games Game of the Month for April 2008.[11]

Cortex Command won the Audience Award and Technical Excellence award at the 2009 Independent Games Festival.[12]


  1. ^ abreview-cortex-command-tries-hard-but-falls-short by Sal Cangeloso on (19 October 2012)
  2. ^ ab'Cortex Command'. Data Realms LLC. Retrieved 2008-07-27.
  3. ^ abGriffin, Mike (June 2008). 'Cortex Command: Brain slayers in outer space'. Play. pp. 64–65.
  4. ^ abcW., Tim (2008-05-27). 'Interview: Dan Tabár (Cortex Command)'. Archived from the original on 2008-06-30. Retrieved 2008-07-01.
  5. ^cortex-command-1-0-playtest-preview on (28 September 2012)
  6. ^Cortex command from data realms goes open source by Liam Dawe on (13 July 2019)
  7. ^DataRealms/CCOSS on
  8. ^Cortex Command Community Project Source on (accessed March 2020)
  9. ^ abAlan Dexter (2007-03-05). 'Cortex Command'. PC Format. Archived from the original on 2007-09-28. Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  10. ^ abJim Rossignol (2008-04-23). 'Cortex Command'. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  11. ^'Game of the Month, April 2008'. Archived from the original on 2008-07-25. Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  12. ^'11th Independent Games Festival'. 2009-03-26. Retrieved 2009-03-30.

Cortex Command Download

External links[edit]

Retrieved from ''