Twilight Struggle - Turn Zero & Promo Cards For Mac

Tuotteiden saatavuudessa lukee heti jos sitä on Helsingin varastossa. Päivämäärä tarkoittaa arvioitua saapumista varastoon. Jos pvm meni jo, tuotteen ilmestyminen tai tilauksen saapuminenon ilmeisestikin myöhässä.Tilapäisesti lopussa olevan tuotteen arvioitu toimitusaika on ilmoitettu kuten 1-5 päivää tai 2-3 viikkoa jne.

Twilight Struggle Turn Zero/Promo Packs being reprinted! Heads up for those of you who own Twilight Struggle - GMT Games are reprinting the Turn Zero/Promo Packs for TS! They are already in the online version of TS but physical cards were previously only available in the Collectors Edition before). For those of you who'd like to expand your Twilight Struggle experience, Twilight Struggle Turn Zero and Promo Packs expansions. These expansions were initially offered only to backers in the Kickstarter campaign for the digital edition of Twilight Struggle and a brief one-day 'first-com-first-served sale' a couple of years ago.

Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt taihuutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä.Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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The Vietnam Miniatures Game

Vietnam. In a small corner of the world, one of the most bloody wars to be fought occurred in this small county in Southeast Asia. Traditionally framed as a war of small skirmishes, long patrols, and guerilla ambushes, there is a lot more that happened, including full-scale offensives and pitched battles...

The US and its allies have all the advantages of mobility and firepower. The ubiquitous Huey helicopter has become a symbol of the war itself as it carries troops into battle and unloads rockets on the enemy. Heavily armed flotillas sail up the windy Mekong Delta. Heavy tanks and M113 ‘tracks' bash their way through the jungle searching for enemy strongpoints, and resolute ‘grunts' hold firebases against fierce enemy assaults…

Meanwhile, the Nationalists have all the advantages of the home team. They fight as guerillas, choosing the time and place of major operations or surprise attacks and appearing from nowhere to ambush enemy hunting them. When the time is right, they even commit their tanks, armoured personnel carriers, and seasoned troops into the fray to achieve total victory.

‘Nam gives you have everything* you need to take command of one of these forces. Building on the success of Battlefront's Team Yankee, these rules and forces are easy to learn and use. Within these pages you can find all of the scenarios, missions, and notes on terrain to fully brief you before you step onto your Huey to lead your troops to the landing zone!

* Well, almost everything. A groovy playlist of 1960s tunes is compulsory for maximum playability.

‘Nam 1965-1972 is a 230 page Rulebook that contains all the rules and forces that you need to refight the Vietnam war.

35.00 €
Näytettä kustantajan sivuilta.

With its pitch-perfect blend of laughs, terror, and gore, as delineated by some of the finest cartoonists to ever draw a rotting, reanimated corpse, Tales from the Crypt (1950-1955, R.I.P.) remains the quintessential horror comic of all time.

And no cartoonist better encapsulated the grand-guignol spirit of Tales from the Crypt than Jack Davis, who, even at the earliest stage of what would become a six-decade career, possessed a level of skill that would elude most other cartoonists during their lifetimes. His maniacs were more homicidal, his victims more terrified, his dismemberments bloodier, and his werewolves more feral than anyone else's.

'Tain’t the Meat... It's the Humanity and Other Stories collects all of Davis's Tales from the Crypt classics, from EC's wicked revenge fantasies ('The Trophy!' and 'Well Cooked Hams!') through the outright supernatural (the voodoo yarn 'Drawn and Quartered!' and 'Concerto for Violin and Werewolf') to the origin of the Crypt-Keeper ('Lower Berth') — and the legendary splatter gross-out of the title story.

This volume also includes biographical notes and essays, and an ultra-rare EC bonus: Davis's completely redrawn 3-D version of 'The Trophy!' — back in print for the first time since its original appearance 60 years ago (and for the first time in regular, easy-on-the-eyes 2-D).

HC / 240 pgs / BW / 7 x 10

34.80 €
#?&! Marry Kill is an expansion to Blank Marry Kill, and will add all kinds of explicit R-rated references to your decisions.

We're not going to lie; there's some bad stuff in here. So if you want to make your Blank Marry Kill decisions even more horrible, this is the deck for you.

13.20 €
Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa välittömästi sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle!
Lue lisää täältä

Looking at the world through a feminist lens reveals absurd, tragic, and fascinating situations.

Written by feminists from eleven different countries, #Feminism offers bite-sized takes on contemporary feminist issues. Each of the 34 nano-games in this collection requires between three and five participants, simple (if any) props, and up to an hour of play time.

The games range from silly to serious, including scenarios about selfies and rom-coms as well as reproductive rights and domestic violence. And of course, enjoyment has no ideological boundaries— there are games here for participants new to feminism as well as those experienced in making gender arguments on the internet.

First Date Katrin Førde
A game about a date gone wrong and a rant about the orgasm gap.

Flirt Agata Świstak
Flirt is an attempt to deconstruct the game almost everyone is playing — the game of hook-ups, crushes, and scoring!

Spin the Goddesses Karin Edman
A kissing game of lesbian witches.

Willful Disregard Anna Westerling
A love story.


Manic Pixie Dream Girl Commandos Lizzie Stark
A military unit undertakes its last whimsical mission before retiring to civilian life.

6016 Elin Nilsen
In 6016 the only historical source of the 21st century is a collection of clips from the soap opera Love, Lust and Lack of Trust.

Tropes vs. Women Ann Eriksen
Explore well-known movie clichés and tropes about women in a fun and not too serious way.

Lipstick Kaisa Kangas
Sofia hesitates about whether to wear lipstick to a TV debate on feminism.

You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby Julia Ellingboe
A game about gender, cultural, and ethnic representation in the movies.

Restrictions Frida Karlsson Lindgren and Sofia Stenler
A non-verbal game on how we are and aren’t allowed to move together, as two genders.

Mentioning the Unmentionables Kajsa Greger
Three games about the anatomy of women.

#Flesh Frederik Berg, Rebecka Eriksson, and Tobias Wrigstad
A physical game about the objectification of women or how women’s bodies are butchered into parts.

Selfie Kira Magrann
An intimate game about feelings in images.

So Mom I Made This Sex Tape Susanne Vejdemo
Different generations of feminists argue it out about sex, porn, and what the main point of feminism really is.

My Sister, Malala Elsa Helin
A game about freedom of thoughts and ideas for girls in Pakistan.

A Friend in Need Muriel Algayres
A nano-game about street harassment, victim-blaming and friendship. After a bad encounter on the street, can Ella get over victim-blaming with the help of her friends?

Driving to Reunion Laura Simpson
An intergenerational game about four Black women trying to understand each other, as they drive back for college reunion.

Catcalling Tora de Boer
Street harassment feels different depending on whether bystanders support the harasser or the victim.

How to Be Ava White Eva Wei
At a board meeting, parts of Ava White’s personality decide how to make her the perfect woman.

Shoutdown to Launch Jason Morningstar
In this game about gendered interruption, a bunch of engineers need to fix a problem with a rocket engine in the dwindling time before launch. It won’t go well.

“Something to Drink with That, Sir?” Evan Torner
A woman flight attendant performs emotional labor to serve three different male passengers.

“Ma, Can I Help You with That?” Emily Care Boss
A game about family, age and the gendered nature of care-giving.

Glitzy Nails Kat Jones
A freeform scenario about intersectional feminism, interactions between women, and nail salons.

Stripped Dominika Kovacova
A game about stripping off the stigma.

President Kaisa Kangas
The war-waging Akhaian empire has elected its first female president, a very successful lady general, and feminists with conflicting agendas are trying to draft a press statement together.

Curtain Call Sarah Bowman
A larp about the experiences of a woman in the music industry over the course of four decades.

The Grey Zone Siri Sandquist
A larp about the grey zone between rape and consensual sex in a relationship.

Family Planning Clinic Baptiste Cazes and Leïla Teteau-Surel with Laura Guedes
A game about women’s health where players will play short scenes from the daily life of a French family planning clinic inspired by real stories.

First Joyful Mystery Cathriona Tobin
Players examine the impact Ireland’s prohibitive abortion laws have on people who find themselves pregnant.

Girl: A Game for Boys Livia von Sucro
A small exercise about empathy, designed for cis gendered men to take a glimpse of what it feels like to be a victim of violence against women.

Her Last Tweet Rowan Cota
A microgame exploring being a potential victim of a campus shooting event.

Tour of Duty Moyra Turkington
A freeform nano-scenario about what it’s like to serve and defend as a woman in the US Military.

96 page paperback

Edited by Misha Bushyager, Lizzie Stark, and Anna Westerling
Design and layout by Shuo Meng

27.50 €
0–9 (nolla-ysi, 09, NMBR9) on koko perheen laattapulmailu, jossa kiivetään korkeuksiin.

Sovittamalla laattasi nokkelasti yhteen laadit perustukset seuraavalle kerrokselle. Mitä korkeampi kerros ja mitä suurempi laatan numero, sitä enemmän saat pisteitä. Ole kuitenkin tarkkana, sillä aukkojen jättäminen voi kostautua!

Nolla ysiä pelaat seuraavasti:
* Nosta kortti pakasta...
* ...aseta numeron mukainen laatta aiempien laattojen viereen, tai päälle.
* Toisen kerroksen laatoista saat pisteitä sen arvon mukaisesti...
* ...ja jos pääset korkeammalle, kertoimet paranevat.

Vaikka 0-9 on 2-4 pelaajalle, se toimii erinomaisesti myös isommilla pelaajamäärillä. Tarvitset vain toisen kappaleen pelistä ja pelaajamäärä on maksimissaan jo 8, ilman että peliaika oleellisesti kasvaa.

80 laattaa
20 korttia

Säännöt: suomi, ruotsi, tanska, norja

Ikäsuositus: 8+
Peliaika: 20-30 min
Pelaajamäärä: 1-4

24.90 €
At first glance Moolchi is just another shy, unassuming boy whose greatest talents are running away from bullies and binging on vitamin supplements. Then one day, seemingly out of the blue, Moolchi's absentee father sends him a most unusual gift--a tunningly-proportioned 'girl' who may or may not be made of flesh and blood. She calls herself 'Six' and mumbles incoherently about having a 'prime directive'. This strange and exquisite creature quickly turns the boy's life upside-down, violently disposing of junior-high hooligans and anybody else who gets in his or her way, all while wearing a getup that would make Barbarella blush. In the midst of these baffling occurrences, Moolchi just can't seem to stop worrying about his German homework. The word 'oblivious' barely does him justice as Moolchi remains blissfully unaware of his father's dangerous double-life, or the cute hall monitor who harbors a crush on him, or the intentions of this mysterious femme fatale who insists on bathing with him. Meanwhile, ominous storm clouds gather on the horizon, and one lingering question looms above the others... who is this so-called 'Zero' that everybody is looking for?
12.00 €
Moolchi's coming-of-age saga continues. The mysterious, but tough student Narutbae develops a strange obsession with the lovely Kanghee. Meanwhile, Moolchi's vitamins reveal themselves to be more than meets the eye. They cause a mysterious growth spurt that makes him taller and stronger, garnering the attentions of both friends and bullies. Moolchi finally musters the courage to meet Kanghee after school, but little does he know that Narutbae has dangerous intentions towards her. More danger reveals itself in the form of a mysterious monster that steals the bodies of its human victims. It slowly makes its way to Korea, hopping from host to host, closing in on Moolchi. More determined than ever to protect Moolchi, the automaton Jong-E enrolls in Moolchi's school in order to stay close to him, inadvertently becoming the center of attention from all the lustful boys and provoking a storm of envy and jealousy from the girls. How will the triangle of love and obsession between Moolchi, Kanghee and Narutbae resolve itself? What is the mysterious body-snatching creature slowly making its way towards the school? What connection might it have with his father? Will Jong-E's enrollment hinder or help her mission as the dangers close in all around her and Moolchi?
12.00 €
At first glance Moolchi is just another shy, unassuming boy whose greatest talents are running away from bullies and binging on vitamin supplements. Then one day, seemingly out of the blue, Moolchi's absentee father sends him a most unusual gift--a stunningly-proportioned 'girl' who may or may not be made of flesh and blood. She calls herself 'Six' and mumbles incoherently about having a 'prime directive.' This strange and exquisite creature quickly turns the boy's life upside-down, violently disposing of junior-high hooligans and anybody else who gets in his or her way, all while wearing a getup that would make Barbarella blush. In the midst of these baffling occurrences, Moolchi just can't seem to stop worrying about his German homework. The word 'oblivious' barely does him justice as Moolchi remains blissfully unaware of his father's dangerous double-life, or the cute hall monitor who harbors a crush on him, or the intentions of this mysterious femme fatale who insists on bathing with him. Meanwhile, ominous storm clouds gather on the horizon, and one lingering question looms above the others...who is this so-called 'Zero' that everybody is looking for?
12.00 €
Kanghee is gone forever and her loss ripples through the school. Moolchi flees deep into the city; miserable, wandering lost and suffering flashbacks of his earlier life as a toddler. The memories of his early playmates frighten and confuse him. Just like him, they aren't normal. His aging accelerates beyond control. Now far into adulthood and extremely powerful, Moolchi discovers that fear and violence seem to follow him everywhere. Seeking ways to commit suicide, Moolchi finds one woman who doesn't fear him, a lonely prostitute he saves from a gangster. Meanwhile, his father returns to Korea seeking the fate of his son and determined to rescue Jong-E. Little does he know that Moolchi's childhood 'family' and 'friends' may just have found him first. Allies and enemies reveal themselves in the most unsuspecting people and places, setting the stage for Moolchi's final challenge. But the question is, who is good and who is evil? A startling revelation in Moolchi's past may just turn everything on its head.

SC, 192pgs, B&W

12.00 €
The powerful automaton called Number One holds a young girl hostage, and Moolchi must save her life by hunting him down within the halls of Ssangsan High School. However, Moolchi knows his power is limited. He ages drastically with every exertion. Faced with Moolchi's imminent death, Jong-E must come to terms with her automatic order to self-terminate should she fail in her mission to protect him. Twilight

SC, 216pgs, B&W

Twilight Struggle Card List

11.00 €
PromoThis 007 Magazine Omnibus collects four long out-of-print issues. #51, #52, #53, and #54.

Originally in print from 2009-2011, each of these sold out issues are essential reading for Bond lovers new and old. Featuring exclusive images, interviews and articles.

Magazine, 150pgs, PC

31.20 €
011 is a game of mystery and adventure in a steampunk style world inspired by the music of Swedish symphonic metal band Therion.

Eight souls are given a rare opportunity: to delay the inevitable war of the gods and forestall the end of the world. To achieve this feat, they must locate the Chosen One, compose the 001cSong of Making,001d and deliver both to the 001cInscrutable Organ of Eternity001d hidden somewhere in the mystic city of Turin. But they have only 11 hours...

* Semi-cooperative game, but only one winner: players must share clues to solve the mystery, but while defeat can be for all, victory is only for one!
* Features characters based on the stage personalities of Therion, and includes artwork and images from the band's new mini-movie 001cAdulruna Rediviva.001d

The members of Therion are delighted to be included in the project. Band founder Christofer Johnsson said, 'Paolo Vallerga from the famous game developer Scribabs approached the band at the show in Milano last year with this great idea of making a fantasy board game based upon the stage characters mixed with mythology and we instantly thought it was the coolest thing we've heard in ages and love the idea!' The musicians have enthusiastically participated in the project, and have plans to release a video written by Paolo Vallerga (who is also the author of the novel which inspired the game), in which they assume the roles of their in-game alter egos!

011 is designed by Marco Valtriani.

78.00 €
All Teito Klein wants is to forget his murky past as an orphan and slave and to graduate from Barsburg's military academy with his best friend Mikage. But when an overheard state secret triggers treasonous memories, he's forced to flee from the very empire he once sought to defend! One evil god, two rival empires, three unlikely bishops and seven brave ghosts make for one fantastic adventure!

SC, 5x7, 208pgs, B&W

12.00 €
While Teito trains rigorously to pass the Bishop Examination and gain worldwide travel privileges, a crime perpetrated by one of Ayanami's henchmen rocks the Barsburg Church. When Frau is framed, can Teito put aside his quest for answers to save the one person who has shown him the true meaning of sanctuary?

SC, 5x7, 200pgs, B&W

12.00 €
When Ayanami storms the Barsburg Church in a ruthless effort to drive the Eye of Mikael from Teito;s body, Frau is forced to make a terrible choice: let the Eye fall into Ayanami's hands, or abandon Teito to die. But Teito may be powerless to accomplish his search for truth without it...

SC, 5x7, 200pgs, B&W

Twilight Struggle Turn Zero Rules

12.00 €

Twilight Struggle Turn Zero Review

Twilight struggle cardsHaving lost the Eye of Mikael to Ayanami's Imperial Army, Teito is now in the midst of the Bishop Examination, a test that if passed will grant him the travel privileges he needs to reclaim the Eye. But during the examination he must face... Ayanami?

SC, 5x7, 200pgs, B&W

12.00 €
Realizing that to move forward he must understand the past, Teito heads to the Land of Seele with Frau. On the way, Teito takes a journey both into his own past and the tragic history of one of his protectors--Castor, the kind puppet master of the Barsburg Church and one of the Seven Ghosts.

SC, 5x7, 200pgs, B&W

12.00 €
Teito and company evade Ayanami's agents by jumping on a slave ship headed to Teito's homeland, the ruined Raggs Kingdom. While overcome by bitter memories of his past as a combat slave, Teito has to face his fiercest foe yet - his pet dragon's mother, come to reclaim her son!

SC, 5x7, 200 pgs, B&W

12.00 €
While the Seven Ghosts travel to their past lives’ memory bank to investigate who tampered with their memories, Teito unearths a shocking secret of his own—he is the evil god Verloren’s vessel! And unless he regains the Eye of Mikael, his soul may crumble, spelling the end of the world.

SC, 5x7, 200pgs, B&W

12.00 €
Entangled by the Kraut House's corruption, Teito finds himself imprisoned in an icy tomb with a strange girl who he swears he's met before. Learning the dark secrets of Labrador's past is key to surviving the subzero 'garden' but the trail leading to the gentle Seven Ghost's sad last days is anything but a primrose path.

SC, 5x7, 200pgs, B&W

12.00 €

Twilight Struggle Turn Zero

Reuniting Capella with his mother leads to far more intrigue than the tearful reunion Teito and Frau expected. Then, it&'s off to a Hawkzile Race that will sneak the duo into District 1's enemy territory undetected. But even more dangerous than the destination is the blindingly brutal course - and the growing darkness within Frau.

SC, 5x7, 192pgs, B&W

12.00 €
Bishop by day and something sinister by night, Frau has managed to hide his 'real job' from Teito'until now. On the Hawkzile race that will take them to Hoburg Fortress, Frau loses control and pulls Teito into darkness. Meanwhile, at Hoburg itself, an insurrection fueled by greed draws an older, more terrifying turncoat to reveal himself.

SC, 5x7, 192pgs, B&W

12.00 €
The Seven Ghosts, guardians of the seal on the evil god Verloren, have lived hundreds of lives over the span of a thousand years. When Teito is thrown deep into his memories by the Eye of God, he meets their previous incarnations. But back in the present, Teito and Frau are in serious danger when the Black Hawks, led by a healed and stronger than ever Ayanami, ambush the Hawkzile race!

SC, 5x7, 184pgs, B&W

12.00 €
Teito joins the Black Hawks, unaware it is the very organization that has conspired to ruin his soul, end his life and revive the evil death god Verloren inside him. Using the military's sinister laboratory, they intend to brainwash Teito into reviving Verloren himself! But Teito's true past resurfaces when he coincidentally attends the funeral of his best friend, Mikage.

Twilight Struggle - Turn Zero & Promo Cards For Mac Os

SC, 5x7, 192pgs, B&W

Twilight Struggle - Turn Zero & Promo Cards For Macbook

12.00 €

Twilight Struggle - Turn Zero & Promo Cards For Macbook Pro

Hakusivu: 1 231208241324142415

The #1 rated strategy board game gets its first expansion!
Twilight Struggle: Turn Zero is a new mini-expansion that lets players explore alternate starting situations for the two superpowers. What if Chiang's forces had held on in southern China? What if Churchill's Tories had won re-election in 1945? And what if the Western Allies had crossed the bridge too far, and reached Berlin first? These and other possibilities that alter the opening setup in Twilight Struggle are now open to players. Both seasoned veterans and new arrivals will enjoy the many new plays and dilemmas introduced here for the first time. The expansion release includes:
* Turn Zero Scenario
* Promo Packs 1 and 2 (8 cards)
* Alternate Space Rack Track
* Collector’s Edition Card Art
'Now the trumpet summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are – but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle...' – President John F. Kennedy
Twilight Struggle puts the player at the center of the Cold War, the political and economic struggle between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R that spanned 5 decades from the 1950's to the 1990's. Designed by award winning creators Ananda Gupta and Jason Matthews, players control one of the two modern superpowers, as they work to spread their dominance throughout the world via political influence and coup attempts. But if either side triggers nuclear war, it's game over!
The event cards in the game are based on actual historical events from the Cold War era. Through the playing of these events, players exert their superpower's influence as they attempt to gain allies and regional control of the globe. From the early days of De-Stalinization, to the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War and beyond, players are immersed in the actual events of the struggle between these two nations to be the dominant superpower in the world!
Hone your skill and strategy as a world leader against an A.I. opponent, and then take your game global with matches against other players via asynchronous online game play.
•A.I. Opponent
•In-game Tutorial
•Pass-and-Play Multiplayer
•Asynchronous or Real-time Online Play
•Invite Playdek Friends
•Online Profile and Stats
•Customized Online Game Clock
•Player Rating System
'As a strategy game, Twilight Struggle is a revelation.' - PC Gamer
'...every strategy gamer should play Twilight Struggle without fail: it's just that good.' - Pocket Tactics
2012 Ludoteca Ideale Winner
2011 Lucca Games Best Boardgame for Experts
2006 International Gamers Awards - Historical Simulation
2006 International Gamers Awards - General Strategy; Two-players
2006 Golden Geek Best Wargame Winner
2006 Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Winner
2005 James F. Dunnigan Award Winner
2005 Charles S. Roberts Best Modern Era Boardgame Winner
Per our Terms of Service, you must be 13 years old or older to use the Playdek online games service.
For Twilight Struggle game support, please contact: [email protected]